It occurred to me I had not posted a photo of our little cupcake without her hat on. You can see her light hair, which was a total shock to me. I thought Bill's dominant Asian features would win out. Especially since I had black hair when I was born. Aubrey Jane is already letting us know she's her own little person, got to do it her way, don't expect her to be just like everybody else. Everyone's asking what we'll call her. Bill calls her Jane, i call her Aubrey Jane, the rest of the Moore's say Aubrey, and some of the girls at Bill's office say A. J. So call her whatever you think she looks the most like. Aubrey means noble in German, and Jane means gracious gift from God.
We came home from the hospital sunday afternoon. Bill was able to be home with us for 2 days before he had to go back to work. This is Aubrey Jane with Dr German, her pediatrician, getting her first check up. He said she looks great and she is almost back up to her birth weight. Lilah was quite happy to have such a fun visit to Dr. German's office (no shots)!
After the dr's appt we all headed to our new favorite restaurant near our new house. Its a little taqueria. Bill says their food is authentic Mexican food. All I know is its just delicious. We treat ourselves to the taqueria on quite a number of our visits to the new house. Aubrey Jane enjoyed it through the womb, and now she's enjoying it through the breast milk. And Lilah loves to eat the meat from our tacos and wave hello to everyone. She hasn't learned to say Hola yet, sorry Uncle Abel, we're working on it.
We took Mom & Dad and Aubrey Jane by to see the latest updates on the house. Most of the rooms are now painted, the yard is done and they are starting on the fence. Next wednesday we do the walk through with the builder and the following wednesday we close on the house. There are just so many wonderful things happening right now that I can't decide what to be excited about. Aubrey Jane was delighted to see her new room, though she slept through most of the new house tour,...... some kids are just hard to impress I guess. But Lilah loved running all through the house and she and her Dad stopped by the neighborhood park and had fun on the slides while Aubrey Jane had a snack with Mom.
So here it is, almost finished. I think its got great curb appeal. I really do feel like my cup is running over with so many blessings. I just want to thank all our friends and family for all their support and love. We have been blessed with 2 daughters and now a wonderful house to make a home for our family of 4.
We are delighted to announce one more Moore was added to the Moore family, February 22 at 19:55. She weighed 6.8 lbs and was 19.5 inches long. To every one's surprise she has very light hair, sort of light brownish blond with a touch of red. Baby and Mommy are both doing great!
I feel very blessed to now have 2 wonderful daughters. I keep asking Bill, "can you believe we have 2 daughters now!" God blessed me with a great pregnancy and delivery with no major problems, for this I am very thankful.
Here is the proud father with the newest lady in his life. Now Bill is outnumbered with girls, what's a guy to do?
And here's Miss. Liliah with her new baby sister. Overall I'd say Lilah had done really well. She thinks the baby is funny, and even seem to calm down when we let her hold Aubrey Jane. She has been a little more clingy and fussy than usual, but I can't blame it all on Jane, Lilah has had very few naps and has an cold and seems to be cutting a new tooth, so add all that up and Lilah is doing great! When the nurses would come in to examine the baby or something Lilah would cry and be upset. It was as if Lilah already knew we all come together and somebody was bothering her baby. What a good big sister she is before she even knows what a big sister is.
Here we are, I like this picture, both my girls look happy. I thought our family was so sweet before, but its gotten even sweeter. I am so thankful to be so blessed.
Tet which is Vietnamese New Year was last Thursday. This was our first New Year with Lilah! Chineese New Year was also the same day. We celebrated by taking Lilah to the celebration over in Factoria. I must admit it was not quite as exciting as I hoped. So next year we'll head to the downtown celebration in Seattle where its a little more festive, or at least in my opinion. Here Lilah is sporting her dress we bought on her adoption trip in Hanoi.
Oma went to California to celebrate her Aunt's 85th birthday for VN New Year's, so before she left we went with Oma to celebrate VN & China's New Year here in Seattle with her friends from the thrift shop. It was Ms. Toby's birthday so we celebrated that too! Everyone oohed and ahhed over how cute she looked.
When Oma went to VN this past November she visited a place called Sa Pa, which has a wonderful market full of crafts and items from the minority people in the surrouding areas of Northern Vietnam. She bought Lilah this adorable little outfit, and since it was VN New Year we thought we'd get it out and try it on for fun.
Can you see Lilah's jewels? This isn't part of the minority people's custom, these were extra jewels Oma has for the grandkids to play with. But better look out, looks like Lilah already knows diamonds are a girl's best friend!
And for those of you new to the Chineese /Vietnamese Calender, the zodiac signs have just started over, so this is the year of the rat, a very lucky year to move, start a new job, or any type of new beginning! The rat is thought to be wealthy, wise, and hard working. Here is Lilah sporting her Year of the rat t-shirt as we chase her around the kitchen. We bought Baby Mo a year of the rat bib since he or she will be a rat. Lilah is a dog, who is thought to be loyal & kind. So Chuc Mung Nam Moi to you all!
Wanted to show some pictures of how the house is coming along. We go by every week, sometimes twice a week to check the status. I've done a few pictures so you can see how the front of the house has changed. The house is still on track to be completed March 12th. That means we get the keys on the 12th and can start moving in furniture on the 13th.
Now you can see all the shingles have been painted brown.
Front porch has been started.
What's a post on the blog without pictures of Lilah...... here she is sporting her new winter hat. I must say its taken me a little while to get better at bundling enough for the weather. At first we'd both head out and never seem to have enough on, now I seem to be over bundling, maybe i'll have it down by next winter. Everyone asks me about the Seattle weather. And overall it hasn't been bad. Its colder than Hawaii of course, but the nice thing is its consistent. These last few weeks its always been high 30's and low 40's where in GA one days it 78 and then next day its 42, so at least it is easier to plan. And when you do have a nice day that's not overcast the mountains all around are beautiful and everyone tries to make sure they head to the park or at least enjoy a little walk outside. Seattilites pride themselves on not complaining about the weather and to never let a little overcast sky or rain ruin their plans. Mom said the best thing i've heard and that's "If you're a happy person, Seattle weather is not a problem, but if you're an easily depressed person, or have a broken heart, or are all alone, don't move to Seattle, you might want to kill yourself!" Who can say it better than that?
And here's Lilah sporting a grin while we wait for Daddy to join us for breakfast after he finishes rounding at the hospital.