Saturday, February 2, 2008

The House is coming along

Wanted to show some pictures of how the house is coming along. We go by every week, sometimes twice a week to check the status. I've done a few pictures so you can see how the front of the house has changed. The house is still on track to be completed March 12th. That means we get the keys on the 12th and can start moving in furniture on the 13th. Now you can see all the shingles have been painted brown.
Front porch has been started.
What's a post on the blog without pictures of Lilah...... here she is sporting her new winter hat. I must say its taken me a little while to get better at bundling enough for the weather. At first we'd both head out and never seem to have enough on, now I seem to be over bundling, maybe i'll have it down by next winter. Everyone asks me about the Seattle weather. And overall it hasn't been bad. Its colder than Hawaii of course, but the nice thing is its consistent. These last few weeks its always been high 30's and low 40's where in GA one days it 78 and then next day its 42, so at least it is easier to plan. And when you do have a nice day that's not overcast the mountains all around are beautiful and everyone tries to make sure they head to the park or at least enjoy a little walk outside. Seattilites pride themselves on not complaining about the weather and to never let a little overcast sky or rain ruin their plans. Mom said the best thing i've heard and that's "If you're a happy person, Seattle weather is not a problem, but if you're an easily depressed person, or have a broken heart, or are all alone, don't move to Seattle, you might want to kill yourself!" Who can say it better than that?
And here's Lilah sporting a grin while we wait for Daddy to join us for breakfast after he finishes rounding at the hospital.


Leslie said...

The house looks fantastic and Lilah looks SO GROWN UP!! What a big girl she is, absolutely beautiful. How are you feeling these days? Glad everything is moving along with the house...can't wait to come visit :) Love you!

Anonymous said...

The house looks great as does Lilah! I hope that you are in before the baby is born!

Anonymous said...

Your house is absolutely beautiful! Lilah looks so grown up sitting at the table. She is so beautiful. How are you feeling? You don't have much longer before baby #2 arrives, do you? You are so right about the weather, up there is is so consistant. Here, on the other hand, has been wacky. It is in the upper 70's and lower 80's for a few days then back to the 50's and 60's. I can't wait to see more pics of Lilah, the new baby, and the house. Keep in tough.
~ Sherry